The Problem: caesarmirror.txt

The Clue: Caesar caesar, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?


To me, this challenge served more as an example for working with CyberChef more than anything. Upon initial inspection of the cipher text (and the fact that the word mirror appeared in the title) it seemed obvious that there would be multiple reflections need in order to obtain the plaintext. After performing ROT13 on the input, it was obvious that the content to the right of the gap needed to be mirrored. After that, it was a simple matter of extracting the flag parts to reconstruct the flag.

Steps to Solve

  1. Download file.
  2. Copy file contents to CyberChef.
  3. Manipulate file contents.
  4. Get plaintext message. (recipe)
  5. Extract flag: flag{julius_in_a_reflection}